I can't get a tattoo myself, but I could definitely get a tattooed doll.

Tattoo Baby Doll - Tattoo Spice

And yet another one of my silly characters becomes a tattoo. Doll from Doll

Books, Carved Tattoo

These tattooed dolls are hand made by Mimi Kirchner, a Boston-based doll

Looking for unique Color tattoos Tattoos? Doll Click to view large image

Enchanted Doll Tattoo 1 by trinlayk

OOAK Tattoo Artist Doll. This was a commissioned doll look-a-like that a

tattoos might

Marina's work.

Dead Rag Doll


I really adore Mimi Kirchner's tattooed men dolls.
Russian Doll Tattoo

I really do want another tattoo, but the tattoos I'm talking about is the grooves after the doll is fired, creating magnificent 'tattoos'.

Keyword Galleries: Color Tattoos,

Doll tattoo upon woman breast. Doll tattoo upon woman breast

Some artists recommend keeping a new tattoo wrapped for the first
Russian Doll Tattoo

VOODOO DOLL Tattoo 2 by ~voodoorat on deviantART