What Is Breast Cancer And How Can
You Treat It
Kate Sherman
Did you realize there are many different types of treatments for breast cancer? Radiation therapy destroys the cancer tissue and prevents them from growing inside the entire body. This helps prevent multiplication of it. Radiation has also improved by leaps and bounds. The latest treatments on this cancer also consists of specific radiation. This is much more effective and helps prevent injury towards the surrounding healthy cells too. Radiation can now be provided in appropriate dosages with lower unwanted effects. The following are a couple of tips about this dangerous illness.In the healthcare world today, the treatment for breast cancer involves many kinds of approaches. The initial analysis and clinical work up is the guide towards the type of remedy you will undergo.You can find some requirements which your remedy depends like the cellular composition of the cancer, the dimensions of the growth, and the phase of your hormonal status. Your general health status also plays a role in deciding the type of treatment. This information will take you through several from the latest treatments on breast cancer.Generally there is really a good deal happening in your tissue. In the event that the cells that are developing out of control are normal cells, the growth is not cancerous. However, if the tissues which are developing out of control are abnormal and do not perform like the body's usual cells, the tumor is malignant.Quite a few individuals choose surgical treatment. Surgical treatment and radiation therapy are most effective when the growth is localized towards the breast and can be easily removed. Benign tumors and small sized tumors are treated in this manner. The newest treatments on breast most cancers include improvements in chemotherapy, hormone treatment. These are utilized in advanced phases of cancer when the growth is no longer confined just to the breast.The actual reproduction of cells becomes imbalanced. Breast cancer is if your cells begin to grow and reproduce out of control, which creates an assortment of cells called a tumor. However, just because you have a unknown growth within the breast doesn't mean it needs to be dangerous.One option is to test is opting for different kinds of surgery. Breast cancer surgery is aimed at removing the bulk from the cancer tissue. Better surgical options have emerged which give patients the chance to undergo reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy. Surgery may also be within the breast or lymph node which may be found during a diagnosis. Newest remedies on this topic have medical choices which include a prophylactic mastectomy or perhaps a removal of the sex gland in a few instances.The source from the names for each cancer is rather easy. They are named after the part from the body from which they develop. Breast cancer stems within the breast tissue. Like other cancerous tissues, it can invade and grow into the tissue surrounding the breast. Additionally , it may pass through to other parts of the human body and form brand new growths. This is called metastasis and can be very dangerous.There are many dangerous but sometimes effective methods to combat cancer. Chemotherapy is considered systemic therapy as it targets cancerous cells within the entire body. It can also be supplemented by a bone marrow or stem cell transplant that is beneficial in mostcases where the immune system is severely compromised. Stem cell treatment offers incredible possibilities in cases like breast cancer which have the potential to turn into any of the body's cells and replicate at a faster pace to fight this lethal disease.
Is the US dollar waning in strength?
Even though America replaced Britain as the largest economic power since 1870, it was not until 1925 that the US dollar could claim international importance as a result of the steps the US took to stabilize their financial system by creating the Federal Reserve earlier in 1913.Ever since that time the US dollar has come to be accepted not only as a medium of exchange in international transactions but has also established itself as a major reserve currency. The dollar holdings of the Chinese government for instance amount to more than US$1,000 per Chinese resident. In fact slowly the US dollar has occupied its role as world currency.Now nearly 75% of the $100 notes circulate outside the US. Majority of Central banks have their reserves in US dollars. Over 80% of world transactions are in US dollars forging far ahead of the Euro, which is considered to be the number two currency involving international transactions.Thanks to developing strategic planning and establishing strategic military relationships, enacting effective laws and agencies to lend stability to the dollar, the USA could even make New York the world’s financial hub replacing London. This has been the story of the US dollar over the last sixty years without any competition.Japan was not keen on promoting the Japanese yen to become an international currency for fear of over valuation affecting its exports. It is important, however, to note that the trend has been for international investors to migrate to dollar holdings in times of economic uncertainties. For a long time now, the dollar was considered as safe haven. We witnessed the soundness of the dollar in 2008 when after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and during the recent financial crisis the dollar remained steady and even strengthened in global markets.This unassailable position of the US dollar gave numerous benefits to America. The scramble for the dollar in the world enabled the United States to issue treasury bills at low cost and have access to cheap funds. And American commercial transactions can be in home currency instead of being in a different currency. This situation was described by Valery Giscard Easting, the French Finance Minister in 1960 as its “Exorbitant Privilege”. According to Berkley’s foremost economist, Professor Barry Eichengreen the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency is worth 3% in US national income per year and the reserve currency allows the US to run an annual $500 billion current account deficit. This easy way of raising money made it appealing for the US to run reckless fiscal deficits and threaten the position of the US dollar retaining its status. The enormous deficits over the last six years have called into question the long term solvency of the Unites States and its ability to pay its debts for the future. According to Eichengreen US, the federal debt stands at relatively 75% of GDP and when comparing this against revenue relatively low at 19% of GDP, the situation is critically alarming.Against this background let us look at the recent developments in the West Asian Arab world which accounts for 40% of the global oil output. It witnessed overthrow of long time rulers in Egypt and Tunisia. This was followed by large scale demonstrations in Algeria, Yemen and a Shia uprising in Bahrain. Libya is boiling. Syria is experiencing some restlessness. Oil prices have scaled new heights. Any further unrest in Saudi Arabia will threaten the oil market as much of Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are in its eastern Shia dominated provinces in a Sunni ruled country. Saudi Arabia is trying its best to contain any uprising. With such uncertainties looming in the economic environment, one would have expected a thirst for migration to the US dollar and a resultant strengthening of the dollar. But what happened is quite different. There was no rush for the dollar. This reminds us of the fundamental rule in economics that when the reaction to an event is different from what is expected there is often a major trend movement in the opposite direction The recent trend movements in the US dollar indicate such an event.Mind you, as said earlier, without high demand for the dollar it will be extremely difficult for the United States to issue treasury bills to fund its deficit. Budget trimming will call for major cuts in social security, medicare and defense spending or raising tax levels – a more difficult scenario. The dollar losing its value at this juncture will affect the reserve holdings in various central banks in real terms. It will produce enormous fiscal and economic hardships.Meanwhile, the Chinese are envisaging building a world class navy and this would call for heavy investments. This may force them to divert their investments into the dollar, then, the US would be starved of its important source to fund its treasury bills.Now, coming back to the West Asian uncertainty, we find the dollar remaining steady against the yen before the Tsunami and recording a sharp fall against the euro. There was no strengthening of the US dollar.Is there a positive move towards the euro as a reserve currency? Is the euro being considered as safe haven? This is in spite of the fact that the euro zone has its own tales of woe – inflationary pressure, fundamental differences lying within the euro group and sovereign debt problems of member countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland. There is confidence that the EU Zone will surmount these irritants which at present are at micro level as Greece, Portugal and Ireland account for less than 6% of the euro zone economy. But the Euro Zone has not effectively addressed the core factor -removal of toxic assets in its financial institutions, fixing higher capital requirements on sovereign debts, applying real stress tests on its banks and extending the European Financial Stability Facility to recapitalize its banks to ensure financial stability.However, fundamentally, the Euro Zone is stronger, its external account is far better and there is the political will to cut fiscal deficits. On the other hand in the US, there is GOP and Democrat differences to restoring public finances indicating lack of political will to cut fiscal deficits. Recently the EURO CENTRAL BANK signaled intent to increase its benchmark interest rate in the near future indicating soundness of euro financials. JP Morgan’s forecast of the US first quarter real GDP growth is also not encouraging for the US. The euro firming up against the dollar and any changing status of the euro is likely to instigate a gradual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency besides garnering a bigger share as a trading currency in global trade. For the first time since World War II, the US dollar is showing signs of instability. The dollar and gold are related but in opposite directions. Has the recent surge in the price of gold indicated a rush for new haven discarding the dollar?Apart from the above facts indications are that the Chinese renminbi is slowly and steadily becoming Asia’s major trading currency with China’s neighbouring countries resorting to the use of the Chinese currency in recent years. Northern Thailand, Northern Vietnam, Myanmar and even eastern Russia are all already using renminbi in their transactions. Prior to the financial crisis, the Chinese government did not appear to have a policy on convertibility of the renminbi. Yet the surge of currency swaps and renminbi – dominated lines of credit extended to neighbouring countries and bilateral currency swaps that have been signed recently suggest a long term Chinese strategy of ensuring a dominant position for the Chinese renminbi in the region.A currency swap is an agreement in which two parties exchange specific amounts of two currencies as well as series of interest payments. Such swaps have durations of one to five years as they are designed to hedge against interest-rate risks in foreign currency-denominated bond, loans and other types. It is expected that China’s yuan (renminbi) currency swap volume could double in 2011. Slowly and steadily renminbi is growing in popularity as a currency for trade between China and the rest of the world after Beijing decided in June 2010 to expand a pilot scheme that enables onshore importers and exporters in 20 provinces to invoice their cross-border trades in renminbi. Now about 70,000 companies are settling international transactions in renminbi. China is also exhibiting ambition to project Shanghai as a predominant world financial center by 2020. Two major US multinationals, MacDonald’s and Caterpillar have issued renminbi based bonds. China’s ties and trade with a Beijing friendly party (led by Ma) ruled Taiwan is also growing with inter/intra trade recording manifold increases. As Taiwan business connection with the mainland grows its current isolation will wane. Business growth will render political issues irrelevant and CHINA gains one more commercial hub as an addition to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau.Will the Chinese renminbi pose a formidable challenge to the US dollar? Firstly, it would take time for China to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy. Secondly, there are fundamental corrections required in the renminbi. China keeps the value of the renminbi on a fixed parity basis by not letting it to float as the dollar and the euro. This allows China to peg its currency at low value and keep its goods cheap. At the recent G8 summit, President Obama elaborately talked about it. The renminbi needs to become freely convertible and like the US in 1913, China needs to develop deep liquid capital markets. Otherwise, it would be a long time before it can replace the dollarIn his book “ Exorbitant Privilege” Professor Barry Eichengreen warns that the dollar would lose its shine only if the United States repeats the mistakes that led to the financial crisis and only if it fails to put its fiscal and financial houses in order. The dollar’s fate therefore hinges not on how the Chinese close in, but on the economic policy of the United States itself. In the Wall Street Journal (March 2, 2011) Mr. Eichengreen discusses “why the dollar’s reign is near an end”. While there will not be a sudden collapse of the dollar, according to Mr. Eichengreen a change in the international monetary order is all but inevitable within a decade. Ironically China has the highest exposure to the US dollar dominated assets.Is the multi-polar economic world heading for a multi polar transition to three principal currencies: the US dollar, the euro and the Chinese renminbi?Recent developments indicate that the economic cycles which brought the sterling’s dominance in the 19th Century and the dollar’s dominance since in 1945 is running even faster to usher in a new phenomenon.By S. SrinathHow To Make The World A Better Place
by Hamid Yusof
What Is Breast Cancer And How Can
You Treat It
Kate Sherman
Did you realize there are many different types of treatments for breast cancer? Radiation therapy destroys the cancer tissue and prevents them from growing inside the entire body. This helps prevent multiplication of it. Radiation has also improved by leaps and bounds. The latest treatments on this cancer also consists of specific radiation. This is much more effective and helps prevent injury towards the surrounding healthy cells too. Radiation can now be provided in appropriate dosages with lower unwanted effects. The following are a couple of tips about this dangerous illness.In the healthcare world today, the treatment for breast cancer involves many kinds of approaches. The initial analysis and clinical work up is the guide towards the type of remedy you will undergo.You can find some requirements which your remedy depends like the cellular composition of the cancer, the dimensions of the growth, and the phase of your hormonal status. Your general health status also plays a role in deciding the type of treatment. This information will take you through several from the latest treatments on breast cancer.Generally there is really a good deal happening in your tissue. In the event that the cells that are developing out of control are normal cells, the growth is not cancerous. However, if the tissues which are developing out of control are abnormal and do not perform like the body's usual cells, the tumor is malignant.Quite a few individuals choose surgical treatment. Surgical treatment and radiation therapy are most effective when the growth is localized towards the breast and can be easily removed. Benign tumors and small sized tumors are treated in this manner. The newest treatments on breast most cancers include improvements in chemotherapy, hormone treatment. These are utilized in advanced phases of cancer when the growth is no longer confined just to the breast.The actual reproduction of cells becomes imbalanced. Breast cancer is if your cells begin to grow and reproduce out of control, which creates an assortment of cells called a tumor. However, just because you have a unknown growth within the breast doesn't mean it needs to be dangerous.One option is to test is opting for different kinds of surgery. Breast cancer surgery is aimed at removing the bulk from the cancer tissue. Better surgical options have emerged which give patients the chance to undergo reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy. Surgery may also be within the breast or lymph node which may be found during a diagnosis. Newest remedies on this topic have medical choices which include a prophylactic mastectomy or perhaps a removal of the sex gland in a few instances.The source from the names for each cancer is rather easy. They are named after the part from the body from which they develop. Breast cancer stems within the breast tissue. Like other cancerous tissues, it can invade and grow into the tissue surrounding the breast. Additionally , it may pass through to other parts of the human body and form brand new growths. This is called metastasis and can be very dangerous.There are many dangerous but sometimes effective methods to combat cancer. Chemotherapy is considered systemic therapy as it targets cancerous cells within the entire body. It can also be supplemented by a bone marrow or stem cell transplant that is beneficial in mostcases where the immune system is severely compromised. Stem cell treatment offers incredible possibilities in cases like breast cancer which have the potential to turn into any of the body's cells and replicate at a faster pace to fight this lethal disease.
Is the US dollar waning in strength?
Even though America replaced Britain as the largest economic power since 1870, it was not until 1925 that the US dollar could claim international importance as a result of the steps the US took to stabilize their financial system by creating the Federal Reserve earlier in 1913.
Ever since that time the US dollar has come to be accepted not only as a medium of exchange in international transactions but has also established itself as a major reserve currency. The dollar holdings of the Chinese government for instance amount to more than US$1,000 per Chinese resident. In fact slowly the US dollar has occupied its role as world currency.
Now nearly 75% of the $100 notes circulate outside the US. Majority of Central banks have their reserves in US dollars. Over 80% of world transactions are in US dollars forging far ahead of the Euro, which is considered to be the number two currency involving international transactions.
Thanks to developing strategic planning and establishing strategic military relationships, enacting effective laws and agencies to lend stability to the dollar, the USA could even make New York the world’s financial hub replacing London. This has been the story of the US dollar over the last sixty years without any competition.
Japan was not keen on promoting the Japanese yen to become an international currency for fear of over valuation affecting its exports. It is important, however, to note that the trend has been for international investors to migrate to dollar holdings in times of economic uncertainties. For a long time now, the dollar was considered as safe haven. We witnessed the soundness of the dollar in 2008 when after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and during the recent financial crisis the dollar remained steady and even strengthened in global markets.
This unassailable position of the US dollar gave numerous benefits to America. The scramble for the dollar in the world enabled the United States to issue treasury bills at low cost and have access to cheap funds. And American commercial transactions can be in home currency instead of being in a different currency. This situation was described by Valery Giscard Easting, the French Finance Minister in 1960 as its “Exorbitant Privilege”. According to Berkley’s foremost economist, Professor Barry Eichengreen the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency is worth 3% in US national income per year and the reserve currency allows the US to run an annual $500 billion current account deficit. This easy way of raising money made it appealing for the US to run reckless fiscal deficits and threaten the position of the US dollar retaining its status. The enormous deficits over the last six years have called into question the long term solvency of the Unites States and its ability to pay its debts for the future. According to Eichengreen US, the federal debt stands at relatively 75% of GDP and when comparing this against revenue relatively low at 19% of GDP, the situation is critically alarming.
Against this background let us look at the recent developments in the West Asian Arab world which accounts for 40% of the global oil output. It witnessed overthrow of long time rulers in Egypt and Tunisia. This was followed by large scale demonstrations in Algeria, Yemen and a Shia uprising in Bahrain. Libya is boiling. Syria is experiencing some restlessness. Oil prices have scaled new heights. Any further unrest in Saudi Arabia will threaten the oil market as much of Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are in its eastern Shia dominated provinces in a Sunni ruled country. Saudi Arabia is trying its best to contain any uprising. With such uncertainties looming in the economic environment, one would have expected a thirst for migration to the US dollar and a resultant strengthening of the dollar. But what happened is quite different. There was no rush for the dollar. This reminds us of the fundamental rule in economics that when the reaction to an event is different from what is expected there is often a major trend movement in the opposite direction The recent trend movements in the US dollar indicate such an event.
Mind you, as said earlier, without high demand for the dollar it will be extremely difficult for the United States to issue treasury bills to fund its deficit. Budget trimming will call for major cuts in social security, medicare and defense spending or raising tax levels – a more difficult scenario. The dollar losing its value at this juncture will affect the reserve holdings in various central banks in real terms. It will produce enormous fiscal and economic hardships.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are envisaging building a world class navy and this would call for heavy investments. This may force them to divert their investments into the dollar, then, the US would be starved of its important source to fund its treasury bills.
Now, coming back to the West Asian uncertainty, we find the dollar remaining steady against the yen before the Tsunami and recording a sharp fall against the euro. There was no strengthening of the US dollar.
Is there a positive move towards the euro as a reserve currency? Is the euro being considered as safe haven? This is in spite of the fact that the euro zone has its own tales of woe – inflationary pressure, fundamental differences lying within the euro group and sovereign debt problems of member countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland. There is confidence that the EU Zone will surmount these irritants which at present are at micro level as Greece, Portugal and Ireland account for less than 6% of the euro zone economy. But the Euro Zone has not effectively addressed the core factor -removal of toxic assets in its financial institutions, fixing higher capital requirements on sovereign debts, applying real stress tests on its banks and extending the European Financial Stability Facility to recapitalize its banks to ensure financial stability.
However, fundamentally, the Euro Zone is stronger, its external account is far better and there is the political will to cut fiscal deficits. On the other hand in the US, there is GOP and Democrat differences to restoring public finances indicating lack of political will to cut fiscal deficits. Recently the EURO CENTRAL BANK signaled intent to increase its benchmark interest rate in the near future indicating soundness of euro financials. JP Morgan’s forecast of the US first quarter real GDP growth is also not encouraging for the US. The euro firming up against the dollar and any changing status of the euro is likely to instigate a gradual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency besides garnering a bigger share as a trading currency in global trade. For the first time since World War II, the US dollar is showing signs of instability. The dollar and gold are related but in opposite directions. Has the recent surge in the price of gold indicated a rush for new haven discarding the dollar?
Apart from the above facts indications are that the Chinese renminbi is slowly and steadily becoming Asia’s major trading currency with China’s neighbouring countries resorting to the use of the Chinese currency in recent years. Northern Thailand, Northern Vietnam, Myanmar and even eastern Russia are all already using renminbi in their transactions. Prior to the financial crisis, the Chinese government did not appear to have a policy on convertibility of the renminbi. Yet the surge of currency swaps and renminbi – dominated lines of credit extended to neighbouring countries and bilateral currency swaps that have been signed recently suggest a long term Chinese strategy of ensuring a dominant position for the Chinese renminbi in the region.
A currency swap is an agreement in which two parties exchange specific amounts of two currencies as well as series of interest payments. Such swaps have durations of one to five years as they are designed to hedge against interest-rate risks in foreign currency-denominated bond, loans and other types. It is expected that China’s yuan (renminbi) currency swap volume could double in 2011. Slowly and steadily renminbi is growing in popularity as a currency for trade between China and the rest of the world after Beijing decided in June 2010 to expand a pilot scheme that enables onshore importers and exporters in 20 provinces to invoice their cross-border trades in renminbi. Now about 70,000 companies are settling international transactions in renminbi. China is also exhibiting ambition to project Shanghai as a predominant world financial center by 2020. Two major US multinationals, MacDonald’s and Caterpillar have issued renminbi based bonds. China’s ties and trade with a Beijing friendly party (led by Ma) ruled Taiwan is also growing with inter/intra trade recording manifold increases. As Taiwan business connection with the mainland grows its current isolation will wane. Business growth will render political issues irrelevant and CHINA gains one more commercial hub as an addition to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau.
Will the Chinese renminbi pose a formidable challenge to the US dollar? Firstly, it would take time for China to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy. Secondly, there are fundamental corrections required in the renminbi. China keeps the value of the renminbi on a fixed parity basis by not letting it to float as the dollar and the euro. This allows China to peg its currency at low value and keep its goods cheap. At the recent G8 summit, President Obama elaborately talked about it. The renminbi needs to become freely convertible and like the US in 1913, China needs to develop deep liquid capital markets. Otherwise, it would be a long time before it can replace the dollar
In his book “ Exorbitant Privilege” Professor Barry Eichengreen warns that the dollar would lose its shine only if the United States repeats the mistakes that led to the financial crisis and only if it fails to put its fiscal and financial houses in order. The dollar’s fate therefore hinges not on how the Chinese close in, but on the economic policy of the United States itself. In the Wall Street Journal (March 2, 2011) Mr. Eichengreen discusses “why the dollar’s reign is near an end”. While there will not be a sudden collapse of the dollar, according to Mr. Eichengreen a change in the international monetary order is all but inevitable within a decade. Ironically China has the highest exposure to the US dollar dominated assets.
Is the multi-polar economic world heading for a multi polar transition to three principal currencies: the US dollar, the euro and the Chinese renminbi?
Recent developments indicate that the economic cycles which brought the sterling’s dominance in the 19th Century and the dollar’s dominance since in 1945 is running even faster to usher in a new phenomenon.
By S. Srinath
"What the World Needs Now Is Love" is a 1965 popular song with lyrics by Hal David and music composed by Burt Bacharach.1965 was also the year of the snake and they say that People born during the Year of the Snake are said to be endowed with wisdom and with deep philosophical understanding. They are said to be born thinkers who excel in finding solutions to complex problems. In matters of business they can be shrewd, biding their time in making a deal only to strike when they judge the moment is right. Thus in life, the majority of those who are born in the year of the snake are financially successful and generally lucky with money.During that year President Johnson outlined his "great Society" in January 1965, and a month later on February 21, Malcolm X, a black nationalist, was gunned down in New York City. Throughout the month of March 1965 saw African Americans actively engaged in the Civil Rights movements especially in Alabama. This was also the year America started to send troops to Vietnam and saw the beginning of several anti-war protests in Washington and kept on spreading to eighty cities throughout the nation eventually. As a matter of fact 1965 saw very little of the wisdom and deep philosophical expected of the leaders anywhere. Life in general then was anything but good, which I suspect was probably the reason why Hal David wrote the song "What the World Needs Now is Love" - the world badly needed love then!This year, 2011, is the year of the rabbit. And according to the Chinese Horoscope the year of the Rabbit is traditionally associated with home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and keeping the peace. Therefore, 2011 is very likely to be a relatively calmer one than 2010 both on the world scene, as well as on a personal level. Conversely, nations will also become more insular and increasingly lock down their borders to protect against the "other". However, 2011 will also see new art movements projecting a distinct national identity taking the world by storm. Shrewd and creative new business partnerships will also form to the benefit of all - this is the prediction.The three words that best describe the rabbit: calm, gentle, but persistent.So far 2011, The Year of The Rabbit, is anything but calm and gentle. We see none of those, but what we do see is the persistency shown by the people in Tunisia and Egypt in their efforts to change their respective governments. And as I am writing this article, Bahrain, Algeria and Libya are on the boil; who knows which government in the region will bear the brunt of the people's anger next.How ironic that Libya's Col. Gadafi, who took control of Libya in a bloodless coup, is now unleashing a bloody onslaught on the very people he had sworn to protect, who now wants him to step down after his forty-two-year rule. It is, ultimately, immaterial to his people whether he had ruled Libya well or he had not, the people of Libya just want a change. This, I think, is a lesson and an important message to all world leaders - don't overstay your hospitality!In Yemen and in China too their people are beginning to show signs that some changes are needed in the way things are run. Countries with autocratic and authoritarian rulers should take these signs as their wake-up calls. They should act now before it is too late. They should ask themselves this question - in the worst scenario, what would they do if their people decided to demonstrate against them in the streets? Will they just gun them all down; clean up the mess afterwards, and to have business as usual the following day? I think not. These punitive actions may have worked before, but in a borderless world we are in today, it may not be that easy to sweep unpleasant things under the carpet. The lump will too noticeable and to avoid tripping over it will be next to impossible.It is apparent that the world needs something new now - more love perhaps? Even that may not be enough, but something is definitely needed to pacify the people everywhere who feel that they have been short-changed and a change is needed. For a start, leaders should move on after two terms in office, but don't go beyond a two seven-year-term, then that become too long. A two five-year term is ideal really - if after a decade a leader can't help his people then he should voluntarily step down. The oppositions, while waiting in the wings, should prove their mettle to the people to see if they are worthy to rule if only they were given a chance.Revolutions tend to make a mess of things and people suffer; ideally a government change through the electoral process is the best alternative. And regime change initiated by an outside party tends to make too much mess of things, and costly too as we are witnessing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Besides, it could backfire like it did in Iran a while back where the change turned out to be worst than what it was before. Clearly both methods should be avoided at all costs.Poverty, the main cause of hardship suffered by the people, and the malcontents, who sometimes may not be the usual run of the people but people of responsibility, breeds discontent. And when society's endurance ceased to become bearable and the people have had enough with the way society is organized, their only remedy is to show their frustrations in the streets.It is estimated that 1.3 billion people live on less than one US dollar per day. This number is expected to grow, ironically, due to events like what is happening in the world today. Normal loss of employment and restructuring of societies are generally the two main creators of the newly poor. The respect for human rights, meeting basic human needs, and more equitable distribution of wealth, clearly are the priorities for the eradication of poverty. To those who seek high office be mindful of these lofty aims.
The Simple Life
by Janna Arnold
We all long for "The Simple Life." But what does that mean, and how do we ever achieve it? When I think of the simple life, the Amish community always comes to mind because of their innate ability to live with so little. They are truly an amazing group of people, and I admire the simplicity they've been able to pass down for generations. Every farm is immaculate and in perfect order. They work tirelessly from sun up to sun down. They have no electricity. Their laundry is neatly hung in a row out on the line, and the gardens look like photo shoots for a Better Homes and Garden magazine. They wear plain clothing. They don't have telephones in their homes.
It sounds like a simpler, less hectic way, but is it really? While I'm sure that it does have its many advantages, for me personally, not having some of our modern conveniences, would certainly add more stress to my life. I don't know that I would want to live without electricity, or any of the conveniences that I take for granted. For example, being without a phone for a while may be nice, but I love technology when it comes to communicating with my son in Texas, or daily chats with my daughter, or touching base with my hubby when he's in another country on business. (Skype then becomes my friend.)
So...how do we live a simple life in 2011? Is it even possible? Well let's look at what "simplify" means. There are several definitions that I came across when looking up the term, but the one I like the best is "to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier."
Can we do that? I believe we can. We can certainly make our lives less complex or complicated by cutting back on activities that have no meaning or value. How many things are you doing because you feel obligated, but your heart is really not in them? Now granted, there are things in life that we need to do that we don't necessarily like to do. But I am talking about activities we put upon ourselves that drain us and we could just as easily do without. Being involved in too many groups, too many sports activities, too many fund-raisers, etc., etc. We need to set boundaries and learn to say "no" when appropriate. We can know our limits and stick to them and teach our children how to do the same.
We can also make our lives less complex or complicated by being organized in our home, our business and our life in general. I don't know about you, but I cannot function in clutter. I feel like a whole new person when my house is clean, and I know where to find things. Is it always clean and tidy? No. (Especially with a Siberian Husky who is shedding right now) But I try to carve out some time each week to re-organize and get things back in order again for the next week. Taking 15 minutes to plan out your week can also be a lifesaver and make things run much more smoothly.
We can make our lives plainer or easier by letting everyone in the home know what their responsibilities are and by following through to make sure they carry them out. When everyone pitches in, the load becomes much lighter, and working together can provide great times to connect with one another.
We can make our lives plainer or easier by preparing meals ahead of time, (the crock pot is also my friend) and sitting down to the table together as a family to share about the day instead of sitting in front of the television. Turn off the TV and take time to enjoy one another's company. Family relationships are well worth investing in.
There are so many ways to simplify our lives, but I believe this wise Amish farmer says it best. "We realize that not everyone is cut out to be one of the plain people. Many have not the opportunity: but here is the challenge:
If you admire our faith, strengthen yours.
If you admire our sense of commitment, deepen yours.
If you admire our community spirit, build your own.
If you admire our simple life, cut back.
If you admire deep character and enduring values, live them yourself!"
--An Amish man writing in Small Farm Journal, Summer 1993
Do one thing this week to simply "simplify" your life! Be sure to tell us about it. Or maybe you have some other ideas you could share with us to help us all simplify.
Janna Arnold |
Try to Live Within Your Meaning of Life
By Jack Malone
Life is complicated and you are constantly being pulled in multiple directions. It is very easy to get busy, and that busyness can lead you away from your Meaning of Life. It is important to stay focused but ambitious in trying to live happy.
Learn to say no and mean it. Not because you are selfish or mean, but because you need to protect your joy. That is a difficult thought to get around, so let me elaborate.
I felt led by God to become a children's pastor. I felt this deep in my soul and felt God had gifted me to this direction. Nothing I had ever done before felt meaningful as this did. Children are wonderful people and they listen.
For fifteen years I worked in my calling, my Meaning of Life, and then I got busy. Everyone asked me to do this or do that, some of them not related to my calling. I didn't want to hurt their feelings, so I complied. Then there wasn't enough time to do a good job and I started feeling overwhelmed with my calling. I guess you could say I burned out.
It still brings me joy, but I am now complacent to sit by the sidelines and watch others do and just offer my advice if asked. I know that my desire in my Meaning of Life has not diminished, and I Praise God everyday for allowing me to serve Him.
You find yourself giving and then a pet will give in return. It's hard to ignore a wiggly body and a tongue licking you with so much excitement to see you is a motivation to give more.
The Meaning of Life is what gives your joy, but you cannot find that if you are in a state of depression or loneliness. We tend to shut down with depression. Being in a mind state of excitement and joy will help you live longer, and seek other things out that will help you cope with life.
As soon as you find yourself moving and excited about moving, try to get out and find something that excites you even more. Museums, zoos, a great hike in the woods, something that will get you motivated to do more. Who knows, you might find that with that one puppy friend, life for you can turn around and you will find your Meaning of Live and be able to express yourself again.
Law Related ArticleReasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney
A family law attorney can help with a variety of familial legalities such as prenuptial agreements, guardianship of minor children or adults with special needs, child custody, and foster care. Some attorneys specialize in one particular field while others offer a variety of legal services.
Selecting a family law attorney can be a vital decision, particularly for matters relating to child custody or guardianship. This type of lawyer can be helpful in cases that involve child abuse or domestic violence, as well as if minor children are charged with criminal offenses.
Individuals who need to establish guardianship for elderly parents often turn to family law lawyers. The decision to assume responsibility for parents diagnosed with Alzheimer's or chronic health conditions is difficult because no one wants to take away a loved one's independence. However, lawyers can help guide clients to make the best decision.
Lastly, family law attorneys assist with executing prenuptial agreements and offer legal advice regarding common law marriage, marital separation, and divorce.
In many cases, clients spend considerable time with their attorney. It can be beneficial to consult with multiple law firms to find a lawyer whose personality is compatible with your own. Taking time to interview 3 or 4 attorneys can minimize the risk of having to change lawyers once the case is opened. Changing lawyers halfway into a case can be a burdensome and costly process.
People often obtain referrals from family or friends. Others utilize telephone directories or lawyer referral networks. One way to narrow down the search is through the American Bar Association. Although the ABA does not provide a referral service, they do publish a nationwide list of lawyers in good standing.
Lawyer referral networks can be a good choice for locating attorneys that specialize in family law. It is best to utilize referral networks that provide complimentary services instead of paying a fee.
When setting up meet-and-greet sessions, ask to meet all staff members who will work on your case. Attorneys utilize paralegals to perform research, assist with drafting legal papers, and filing documents through courts. Administrative assistants engage in a variety of duties as well.
It's important to feel comfortable and confident with all staff members, but especially those whom you will spend considerable time with. People often have a hard time asking to meet with staff, but chances are you will spend more time with them than the attorney.
Remember, this is your case and selecting good legal counsel is essential to your well-being. If law firms aren't willing to comply it is best to move on to another.
During the meeting be certain to clarify legal expenses. Fees can vary greatly based on lawyers and the type of case involved. One-time events, such as prenuptials or name changes are usually charged at a flat rate. Cases requiring multiple court appearances or extensive research are often billed at an hourly rate.
It is common practice for attorneys to require a retainer with ongoing casework. On average, retainers are 25-percent of anticipated legal fees. Some attorneys require payment when services are rendered, while others provide monthly invoices. If a payment plan is required it is important to establish installment amounts upfront.
Two ways to reduce legal fees is to be organized and prepared for meetings and do as much work on your own as possible.
Always retain copies of court records and correspondence with the family law attorney and staff. Also keep a log of phone conversations and print out email correspondence. Documentation is essential when it comes to legal matters.
by Simon Volkov
Using a Trust to Secure Inheritance Assets and Avoid Probate
Establishing a trust is an estate planning strategy that allows individuals to avoid probate. Upon death, all property transferred into the trust can be distributed to heirs and beneficiaries according to directives provided within a last will and testament.
Protecting assets through a trust offers several advantages, but this strategy is not suited for everyone. Trusts are normally used when estate values exceed $100k. Estates valued below that amount can engage in other estate planning strategies that offer similar benefits to trusts without the associated costs.
Probate is the process used within the U.S. to settle decedent estates. The process can be wearisome because it opens the doors for heirs to contest the Will. Even if entitled heirs agree with directives of the Will, probate can extend for several months while the estate administrator handles required duties.
During the probate process inheritance property can depreciate in value. If the estate does not have sufficient funds to pay outstanding debts the court can order estate assets sold to satisfy creditors.
When Wills are filed through probate court they become a matter of public record. Anyone who wishes to view decedents' Wills and death certificates can do so. Probate liquidators often scour court records to locate real estate or valuable property. They can contact estate administrators to inquire about buying probated assets.
With a trust, the last will remains private. Additionally, property protected by trusts is often exempt from inheritance and estate taxes. Setting up a trust is not a difficult process, but does require services of an attorney or estate planner.
There are several types of trusts, but the most common include: revocable, irrevocable, testamentary, and irrevocable life insurance trusts. The latter is reserved for estates valued over $2 million.
In most cases, trusts can be established in a day. However, careful planning must be given to irrevocable trusts because once in place they cannot be changed. Estate planners can offer guidance as to the best type of trust and provide worksheets to help individuals gather required information.
The first step requires locating a family law lawyer, probate attorney, or estate planner. It can be beneficial to obtain referrals from family or friends. Banks and credit unions sometimes offer estate planning services or can offer referrals.
Transferring estate assets into a trust involves recording property details. This can include providing an inventory list of owned assets; property appraisals; and titles for real estate and automobiles.
Estate planning can be quite personal so it is best to consult with 3 or 4 professionals to get a feel for their personality. It's important to feel comfortable in their presence and confident in their abilities. After all, you need to make important decisions that can affect loved ones after your death. It's best to work with someone you like and trust.
Establishing a trust might not be the best estate planning strategy for estates valued below $100,000. Instead, consult with a lawyer to discuss state probate laws and develop strategies to keep certain assets from having to undergo the probate process.
by Simon Volkov
Makeup Mishaps
American child psychologist James Dobson once described a typical scenario that many parents have encountered: you come into the bedroom and find a lipstick-covered toddler smelling of Chanel No. 5 smiling beatifically at you surrounded by a chaos of smeared foundation, mascara, talcum powder and moisturizer all over the place. What he didn't describe was what to do next, especially when it comes to cleaning up the mess.
Cleaning up the meddling little monkey is the easy bit. Cream cleanser will get the lipstick off him/her, even if the child in question didn't slather on moisturizer first. Deep reds or long-lasting lipsticks may leave a slight stain, but this will wear away in a day or so.
Worst things first for the clean-up job. In many ways, it may be better to leave cleaning up the child until last. This is especially true if nail polish has been involved in the chaos. Deal with this one first, especially if it's on the carpet.
According to one household expert, you should use a metal comb (the sort used for dealing with headlice), tissues cotton wool and acetone (nail polish remover). Wrap the tissue around the comb so that the teeth poke through it. Use the comb to lift the pile of the carpet up slightly – slide it right into the carpet so it forms a barrier between the top of the carpet and the bottom. The tissue will soak up any excess. Then dab on a little acetone – not too much, as it can melt plastic and plastic derivatives in artificial fibres – and use the cotton wool to blot, rub and wipe the nail polish off. Don't try do the whole stain at once; work through it bit by bit, moving the comb along as you go and changing the tissue when it gets wet. This method is also supposed to work with superglue.
If the nail polish is on cotton cloth, the job is much easier. Simply dab it in acetone. Artificial fibres are more difficult, as acetone will melt plastic-based substances. This is a job for a professional, so take whatever-it-is down to the dry-cleaning agency. However, if the nail polish hasn't quite set, you can remove the excess by scraping as much as you can off, but make sure that what you use to scrape it off can stand a little nail polish on it, as the polish will now stick to it.
To remove lipstick from carpet, dab on a little dry-cleaning fluid with cotton wool. This will fade the intensity of the colour a bit. Then shake bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) over the stain. Then all you do is vacuum.
For foundation or other liquids containing oil on carpet, first tackle the oils by scrubbing it with a toothbrush using a mixture of cold water and dish detergent. Blot dry. If the stain still remains, use a proprietary carpet cleaning London solution. If the stain still lingers, get the carpet out into bright sunshine if you can, as the UV light will fade the stain. If you can't get the carpet outside into the light, then apply a little lemon juice to the stain as a bleach, or hire a UV light and focus it on the stain for a few hours.
Methylated spirits will remove most makeup off things like sheets or clothing. Dab a moderate amount (enough to soak through the cloth) onto the stain, then leave it to soak before washing in the machine. It's best to use a cold water wash in case the hot water sets any stains.
Talcum powder goes everywhere, but it easy to clean up. Just dust it up with a duster as you would for any other type of dust, or else vacuum. Scented talcum powder in the vacuum cleaner will mean that the vacuum cleaner will give off that scent until you change the bag or empty the container – a nice bonus.
Better still, avoid the problems and keep your cosmetics out of child-reach. Or shut the bedroom door when you're not there!
Nick Vassilev
How to Achieve Smooth Skin?
A smooth skin is something lovely to behold. If you thought that it meant spending lot of time after a skin care routine, then you thought wrong. There are many smoothing techniques that you can use to get an enviable skin that is soft to touch and beautiful to show off. With such a skin, you can wear those short sleeves or short hemline dresses with great poise. It does not matter what your skin type is or what the season is; with the right care and technique, it is possible to have a blemish-free smooth skin all throughout the year.
All you have to do is use proper skin care routine and products to banish those dead skin cells and bumps. These two are the main culprit for your skin looking rough and dull.First all, you will need some things to maintain a good healthy skin. They include a cleanser, exfoliating scrub, soft cloth, loofah pad and an oil free moisturizer with sunscreen. Along with using these things, you need to maintain a healthy food habit in order to get a satin smooth skin.
Here is how you do it:Washing your skin twice daily with warm to cool water and a cleanser suited for your skin type, is the first step. For combination and dry skin, try a cream-based cleanser with a little exfoliation. If your skin is oily in nature, your cleanser should be gel-based for washing away those extra oils. The best time to wash your face is in the morning and in the night before going to bed. Scrub you skin gently with the cleanser of your choice for a minute with a soft cloth.
Along with washing your face twice daily, you need to scrub your body and face with a good exfoliating scrub every few days. Remember to use only your wet fingers when exfoliating the delicate skin of your face. Through this process, you remove the dead skin cells that clog the skin, dirt, tiny bumps and any excess oils. Rough patches are evened out when you exfoliate to reveal a smooth skin that looks younger than before.
After cleansing your face, do not forget to use a good oil-free moisturizer on your face. Your body too has to be moisturized. When you moisturize it properly, you skin stays hydrated which makes it retain its elasticity. By using a moisturizer that also has sunscreen in it will protect your skin from UV rays of the sun that cause uneven skin tone and age spots.
Apart from moisturizing your skin, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water each day to hydrate it from the inside. To have a smooth skin, you also need to eat foods like eggs, leafy green vegetables and nuts because they contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.Lastly, do not forget to visit a dermatologist to analyze your skin. There are many processes like laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion that can also help you to get a beautiful smooth skin.
John Socratous
How To Get Smooth Skin At Home
No matter how costly the skin care product is, chances are, it will have preservatives and chemical stabilizers in it. Otherwise, the products will get spoilt within some days of their manufacture and not sit well on shelves, according to American Academy of Dermatologist. So to find answers to the query of how to get smooth skin at home, look at your refrigerator and cabinet as many times the remedies are in front of your eyes. Homemade products will insure that you get quality products but without any kind of chemical. By doing that, you will not only have supple, soft and smooth skin; but also save money and the environment!
The first answer to how to get smooth skin at home lies with honey. From ancient times, it has been used as a nourishing agent and a moisturizer. In fact, pharmaceutical companies often use honey while preparing ointments that can be directly used on sores, open wounds, ulcers, bed sores, burns and varicose ulcers, according to Food and Agriculture Organization. New skin tissues are generated when you use honey directly on damaged skin. Using it is not hard; just add it your favourite lotions and creams or apply directly on to your skin. For the latter, wash after 15 minutes.
Plain Old Yogurt
It is not necessary to use homemade yoghurt in your beauty treatments; the one bought from the store, the plain variety of course, will be just as effective. No time for an elaborate mask that will moisturize your dull skin before that important party? Then just rub the yoghurt you have in your home on your skin and rinse off after few minutes. You can also apply it when in shower; the antioxidants, which are found in great amount in yoghurt, will destroy the free radicals in your skin and make it glow. It will also soothe redness and inflammation and if you have dry skin, it will make it soft, as Mother Earth News reports. Eating yoghurt regularly is also important as is using it as an answer to how to get smooth skin at home.
Coconut Milk and Oil
Skin is left supple and soft when pure coconut milk is used on it. You can readily get coconuts with your grocer during its season. To prepare a milk wash, first make holes in the coconut and drain its milk. Then wash your face with this milk and leave it for about 5 minutes before washing off. For the best result, however, keep it overnight. If any milk is left, just keep it in the fridge. You can drink it, use it in some exotic dish or wash your face with it later on. If coconut milk is unavailable, the next best option for how to get smooth skin at home lies in using virgin coconut oil. It is guaranteed to soften the skin when used as a moisturizer and applied directly to your body and face; or you can add it the bath water.
The last answer to your query of how to get smooth skin at home is another everyday use product – sugar. Sugar is a natural exfoliator and hence will remove dead skin cells from your body. To get a new smooth skin, just mix two tbsp. sugar with few drops of oil (vegetable) till they are a paste. Your everyday white sugar will be enough; no need to look for raw sugar for this exfoliating scrub. If your skin is oily, you can switch the oil for yoghurt or milk. Now apply the paste all over your body and face and massage lightly with circular motions. Then wash it off well and pat dry.
John Socratous