Sarah Jessica Parker photos by crystal lamm

Sarah Jessica Parker With Her Son in New York City


Sarah Jessica Parker has been keeping quiet lately – she must be waiting for us to forget about the last Sex And The City movie before making her big comeback. The actress was seen walking her son James Wilke Broderick to school in New York city, and she wore a belted long violet trench coat which she decided to wear with a pair of patent black ballet pumps and dark sunglasses. This outfit is really simple – she puts the emphasis on her colourful coat, and it works perfectly, especially when paired with the relaxed black accessories.

This is a mature, sophisticated look that makes SJP look fashionable without trying too hard. The colour suits her well, highlighting her natural glow, and those sunglasses are great too. She might need to move on from the whole SATC thing if she wants to get her career back (please do?) but at least she knows vaguely what suits her when it comes to dressing, even if it’s nothing particularly special – this does her justice and is flattering too – perfect for a mom on the go.